[publish, website, distill, bookdown, R, markdown, e-book, ebook, paper, scientific, interactive, article, web, tools, tutorial, example]

Publish Ebooks and Interactive Articles Directly From R

1 mins


Sometimes, writing a paper is simply not enough: provide readers with an interactive article on the web, or start drafting your own ebook!

Distill, Bookdown and Quarto are some of the state-of-the-art tools to check out and get started.

Possible input
Purpose Output
Distill R Publish shorter content
like articles or
sets of articles
as a Distill website
or as a Distill blog
Bookdown R Publish books or
pretty much anything
that consists of
multiple R Markdown
documents meant to
be read in a linear
sequence (e.g. course
materials, thesis etc)
Multiple types of
output formats are
possible: PDF,
HTML, or Word
Quarto Python, R,
Julia and
Used to publish articles,
reports, presentation,
websites, blogs, and books
WORD, ePub etc.

Get Started

Check out these tutorials/guides to help you get started with your preferred publishing tool:


Publish books with bookdown
Publish articles/blogs with Distill
Publish interactive documents with Quarto
Publish books with Quarto
Create presentation slides with Quarto
Publish course materials with Distill
Contributed by Roshini Sudhaharan