
How the Home Page cards work

On this page, we provide all the necessary resources and information for you to be able to add pages to the Homepage Cards. The cards are dynamically generated by Javascript. Javascript reads a .json file which is generated daily by a Python script. This script searches all .md files in the building blocks and tutorials and checks whether it contains the parameter “category”.

How to add a new page to a category

  1. Add the “category” parameter in the .md and set the value to “reproducible” or “learn”, depending on which category you want to add your page to.

title: “Online Data Collection and Management”

date: 2020-11-11T22:01:14+05:30

draft: false

weight: 3

indexPage: “odcm-course”

category: “learn”

description: “Learn to use web scraping and APIs to collect data for your empirical research project.”

  1. Go to Fontawesome.com, search for an icon that suits your building-block or tutorial and click on it.

  2. The pop-up will now show you your icon and display the code for your icon, which should be someting like this:


< i class=“fa-solid fa-database”>

  1. For the last step, you need to copy the value of the class (“fa-solid fa-database” in this case).

  2. Add the parameter icon top the top of your .md file, below the category. The final head of the .md file will look like this:


title: “Online Data Collection and Management”

date: 2020-11-11T22:01:14+05:30

draft: false

weight: 3

indexPage: “odcm-course”

icon: “fa-solid fa-database”

category: “learn”

description: “Learn to use web scraping and APIs to collect data for your empirical research project.”


  • /topics/open-education/online-data-collection-and-management/

Congratulations, you have now successfully added your page to a category!