What is Snakemake
Snakemake is an easy to use workflow management system. Contrary to make, which was designed by computer scientists to build software, snakemake was designed for academic/professional research in Bioinformatics, so it may feel more intuitive for academic users.
Snakemake is a python package - so we can install using the default python installer, pip.
Installing Snakemake
Mac & Linux Users
In a terminal window enter the command:
pip install snakemake
followed by pressing the Return
Verify that your installation worked correctly by entering
snakemake --version
into a terminal and pressing Return.
The expected output is the current version on the software, which should be greater than
Windows users
We need one extra step here. In a cygwin window enter the command:
conda install datrie
followed by pressing Return
If you get an access denied error, you may have not clicked on single user install in the Anaconda installation. De- and re-install Anaconda and try again.
If the above command works, your terminal will look something like this:
The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED:
datrie: 0.7.1
proceed ([y]/n)
Type y
and hit enter. Once this is done, type:
pip install snakemake
followed by pressing the Return
The expected output is the current version on the software, which should be greater than